28 Nov 2023 [wallets]

MMGen Project celebrates 10th anniversary with MMGen Wallet v14.0.0 release

The MMGen Project1 is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a special version 14.0.02 release of the command-line online/offline multi-crypto wallet MMGen Wallet3:

[..] users can benefit from numerous bugfixes, code cleanups, and installation and testing improvements, along with updated coin daemon support. Upgrading is therefore highly recommended..

Changes overview

- support multiple loaded coin daemon wallets
- build dynamically linked secp256k1 extension module
- Pylint integration, Github workflows
- code repository and package have been renamed to mmgen-wallet [..]

Users can upgrade to the latest version by running pip3 install --upgrade mmgen-wallet in a terminal.

To support the project, transfer some XMR to the donation address listed at the bottom of the main repo’s README.md4 file.

Consult the previous Monero Observer reports56 to learn more about MMGen Wallet.

Note: inspect the code before using, if you can read Python.