LocalMonero/AgoraDesk v1.0.40 released
Version 1.0.401 of the LocalMonero/AgoraDesk2’3 mobile apps has been released with several fixes and improvements:
- HotFix: avoid requests in an unauthorised state.
- Feat: accessibility improvements.
- Feat: correct no connection messages on the main pages.
- Fix: app update link opens the separate browser.
- Feat: add a mail icon to the ads that require an email.
- Fix: high battery drain - increase requests time interval 2 times.
The full list of changes and the APK downloads are available on Github1.
Consult the previous Monero Observer report4 to learn more about the apps.
https://github.com/AgoraDesk-LocalMonero/agoradesk-app-foss/releases/tag/v1.0.40 ↩ ↩2
https://localmonero.co/ ↩
https://agoradesk.com/ ↩
/localmonero-release-mobile-apps-open-beta-testing-5-year-anniversary/ ↩