21 Oct 2022 | Updated 19 Apr 2024 [bounties]

larteyoh proposes bounty for implementing peer discovery via Levin Protocol for 'Neroshop'

larteyoh1 has proposed a bounty2 for implementing peer discovery via Levin Protocol for the Neroshop3 peer-to-peer Monero marketplace:

Implement peer discovery via Levin Protocol for P2P ecommerce project, neroshop [$1000]

Total Bounty: 0.1 XMR (to date)

To increase the bounty you can contribute some XMR to the bounty address posted by the Monero Bounties Bot2.

Note that no other details were provided for this task.

To start working on the project yourself, you should make your intentions public by posting a comment in the bounty’s thread2.

Consult the previous Monero Observer report4 and join the #neroshop5 room on Matrix to learn more about the project.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

Update: bounty closed at author request; repo migrated until ‘initial release’6.

  1. https://github.com/larteyoh 

  2. https://bounties.monero.social/posts/71  2 3

  3. https://codeberg.org/neroshop/neroshop 

  4. /larteyoh-neroshop-monero-marketplace-development-bounty-program/ 

  5. https://matrix.to/#/#neroshop:matrix.org 

  6. https://github.com/larteyoh/testshop