15 Mar 2022 [services]

Justin Ehrenhofer reports 74.6 XMR and 20.9K USD on MAGIC Monero Fund balance sheet

Justin Ehrenhofer1 has reported2 74.6 XMR and 20.9K USD on MAGIC Monero Fund3’s balance sheet4, as of 2022-03-14:

USD: 20,973.60 | 61%
XMR: 74.6 (13,625.40 USD) | 39%

The Monero Fund Committee has recently voted to maintain 40% of holdings in USD, in their March 6th advisory meeting5.

To learn more about MAGIC, consult my previous report6.

  1. https://nitter.net/JEhrenhofer 

  2. https://nitter.net/JEhrenhofer/status/1503490006417121280#m 

  3. https://magicgrants.org/funds/monero/ 

  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GZa-9Y4OE_zKv4UH_bjzCU6wiYBWiDHPjiHo4GUulug/edit 

  5. https://magicgrants.org/funds/monero/minutes/2022-03-06/ 

  6. /magic-monero-fund-announces-first-advisory-committee-members/