28 Jan 2025 | Updated 4 Feb 2025 [CCS]

jeffro256 submits CCS proposal for 3 months of Monero/Carrot dev work

jeffro2561 has submitted a new CCS proposal2 looking to continue working full-time on Carrot3 development - Monero’s main addressing protocol post-FCMP++ - for 3 months (Q1 2025):

The last quarter I implemented the core cryptography for Carrot. [..] The FCMP++ integration and Carrot integration are finally meeting ends and are almost ready for hot path integration. This next quarter, I want to continue this work to get a testnet out ASAP.

Total funding proposed: 114 XMR.

ETA: ~3 months.

Proposed work overview

jeffro256 has contributed 84 merged commits4 to the Monero core repository (master), began working on the Seraphis migration project5, and also wrote up the Carrot specification3 for formal auditing.

To read, share your feedback, ask questions and support this proposal, consult !5402.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

Update: moved to funding stage6.

  1. https://github.com/jeffro256 

  2. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/540  2

  3. https://github.com/jeffro256/carrot/blob/master/carrot.md  2

  4. https://github.com/monero-project/monero/commits?author=jeffro256 

  5. https://github.com/seraphis-migration/monero/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Ajeffro256, https://github.com/UkoeHB/monero/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Ajeffro256 

  6. https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/jeffro256-full-time-2025Q1.html