18 May 2022 | Updated 4 Apr 2023 [CCS]

jeffro256 submits CCS proposal for 3 months of part-time Monero dev work

jeffro2561 has submitted their first CCS proposal2 to work part-time on Monero development for 3 months:

I propose to spend 30 hours a week for 3 months working on Monero Core and the Monero GUI.

Total funding proposed: 70 XMR (USD 30/hr * 30 hrs/week * 12 weeks).

ETA: ~3 months.

Tasks overview

jeffro256’s first PR was merged on March 18th. The complete list of merged pull requests is available on Github3.

To read, share your feedback, ask questions and support this proposal, consult !3192.

Update 22/7/22: ready for funding4.

Update 22/7/24: fully funded.

Update 22/9/24: first dev update posted, M1 completed5.

Update 22/11/19: October dev update posted, M2 completed6.

Update 23/4/4: final dev update posted, M3 completed7.