14 Sep 2024 [CCS] [dev]

jeffro256 completes 2024 Q3 Monero dev work CCS proposal

jeffro2561 has posted a third and final progress report2 for their full-time 2024/Q3 Monero development work CCS proposal3:

This month I spent a lot of time coordinating audit proposals from different firms for the Carrot specification. [..] I hope to open a Carrot draft PR containing transaction construction, scanning, subaddress generation, account secret generation, and persistent balance recovery storage code within the next month.

To learn more about jeffro256’s work consult the jamtis_rct4 WiP branch and the Carrot5 document.

The dev’s complete August 2024 milestone report is available on Gitlab2.

  1. https://github.com/jeffro256 

  2. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/467#note_26226  2

  3. /jeffro256-submits-full-time-monero-dev-work-ccs-proposal-q3-2024/ 

  4. https://github.com/jeffro256/monero/tree/jamtis_rct 

  5. https://github.com/jeffro256/carrot/blob/master/carrot.md