7 Aug 2024 [services]

Haveno adds Tor PoW defense support for seed nodes

woodser1 has released Haveno2 version 1.0.103 with support for Tor’s Proof-of-Work DoS mitigation feature4 for seed nodes5, various improvements and bug fixes.

Changes overview

Support proof of work defense through external Tor by @fa2a5qj3
Throttle connection log spam by @woodser
Fix issues launching application and syncing wallet by @woodser in #1194
Fix issues where offers remain pending by @woodser
Support re-opening disputes if payout fails by @woodser
Make graph lines visible in dark mode by @bvcxza
Support autocomplete for payment method pull down by @bvcxza
Fix coloring of popup text background by @bvcxza
Add filter search box for offers by @wp07e
Recover from missing wallet data by @wooodser
Do not allow arbitrators to open disputes by @woodser
Fix duplicate historical trades by @woodser
Various bug fixes and stability improvements [..]

The full changelog is available on Github6.

It is worth noting that bvcxza and boldsuck made their first contributions in #11657, #11868.

Consult the installing.md9 file for generic build instructions or download the installers provided by third party Haveno networks. To interact with the community, join the #haveno10 room on Matrix.

You can support the project by donating XMR11, becoming a sponsor12, or working on open bounties13.

Note that Haveno can be used on Monero’s main network by using a third party Haveno network14. Only test with small XMR amounts that you can afford to lose.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

  1. https://github.com/woodser/ 

  2. https://haveno.exchange 

  3. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/releases/tag/1.0.10 

  4. https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/-/blob/main/proposals/327-pow-over-intro.txt 

  5. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/commit/d4a9838cd8136ff0547b4e1ec2f107b0295f32a0 

  6. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/compare/1.0.9…1.0.10 

  7. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/pull/1165 

  8. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/pull/1186 

  9. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md 

  10. https://matrix.to/#/#haveno:haveno.network 

  11. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno#monero 

  12. https://haveno.exchange/sponsors/ 

  13. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%F0%9F%92%B0bounty 

  14. /first-public-haveno-networks-mainnet-hardenedsteel-retoaccess1/