29 Oct 2021 | Updated 1 Nov 2021 [bounties]

Haveno allocates $4.2K in XMR bounties to API development

The Haveno1 team has allocated $4.2K in XMR bounties2 to stimulate the creation of new API functions that will make possible for Haveno and its GUI to communicate with each other:

We are starting to build Haveno’s APIs and we need the help of our dev community! We set a bunch of bounties for a total of $4200, to be awarded in #Monero.3

The new set of bounties includes:

- Add API function to receive notifications [$300]
- Add API functions to support trade chat [$400]
- Add API functions to get wallet transfers and withdraw funds [$400]
- Add API function to get market depth data of a trade pair [$250]
- Add API function to get market prices for all trade pairs [$250]
- Add API functions to manage Monero daemon connections [$1200]
- Add API functions to start and stop local Monero node [$400]
- Add API functions to initialize Haveno account [$1000]

For an overview of all issues (current/completed) that are eligible for an XMR reward, consult the Bounty program4 page.

Read bounties.md5 and post a comment on Github before starting any work.

Development discusions take place on Matrix (relayed on IRC/Libera)6.

  1. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno 

  2. https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/projects/3 

  3. https://nitter.pussthecat.org/HavenoDEX/status/1454126131125293062#m 

  4. https://github.com/orgs/haveno-dex/projects/2 

  5. https://github.com/erciccione/haveno/blob/master/docs/bounties.md 

  6. #haveno-dev:haveno.network (#haveno-dev)