25 Oct 2022 | Updated 1 Nov 2022 [mining]

HashVault.pro now top Monero pool after hashrate tripling

HashVault.pro1 is now the top XMR mining pool, with ~40% of the total Monero network hashrate, after today’s unexpected ~325% hashrate surge, from under 400 MH/s to over 1.3 GH/s.

This is the first time since August, when MineXMR shut down2, that a pool other than Nanopool.org and SupportXMR.com ranks #1.

P2Pool’s HR is down ~22% for the day.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

Update 22/10/26: HashVault.pro’s HR dropped back to normal levels (~500 MH/s).

Update 22/11/1: HashVault.pro’s HR spiked again today (~1.1 GH/s: 800 MH/s solo, 300 MH/s pool).

  1. https://monero.hashvault.pro/ 

  2. /minexmr-delays-closure-august-19-2022/