HashVault.pro pushed into the spotlight again by ~340 MH/s 'solo miner'

HashVault.pro1 is, once more2, the top XMR mining pool, with ~39% of the total Monero network hashrate, after today’s unexpected hashrate surge, from around 500 MH/s to over 1.1 GH/s.
Some Monero community members believe the ~340 MH/s solo miner can be indicative of botnet activity3.
P2Pool’s HR is down ~4.3% for the day.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.
Update 22/12/31: HashVault.pro’s HR started dropping back towards normal levels (currently ~860 MH/s).
Update 23/1/2: HR back to ‘normal’ (sub-600 MH/s) levels.
https://monero.hashvault.pro/ ↩
https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20221230#c183860 ↩