12 Feb 2023 [wallets]

Feather Wallet v2.4.0 released with I2P support

Feather Wallet1 version 2.4.023 was released with support for The Invisible Internet Project (I2P4):

With the new Proxy tab comes the option to configure Feather to route all traffic over I2P. Feather is now “I2P-aware” and comes with a built-in list of I2P nodes.

Changes overview

The complete list of improvements and bug fixes can be found on the Changelog6 page.

A GPG-signed list of the hashes7 is available on the official website and the signing key8 can be downloaded from the Github repository.

Feather is 100% community-sponsored and you can support development efforts by transferring any XMR amount to the project’s donation address9 or by accessing Help → Donate to Feather in the wallet.

  1. https://featherwallet.org/ 

  2. https://featherwallet.org/download/ 

  3. https://github.com/feather-wallet/feather/releases/tag/2.4.0 

  4. https://geti2p.net/ 

  5. https://docs.featherwallet.org/guides/i2p-support 

  6. https://featherwallet.org/changelog/ 

  7. https://featherwallet.org/files/releases/hashes-2.4.0.txt 

  8. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/feather-wallet/feather/master/utils/pubkeys/featherwallet.asc 

  9. https://docs.featherwallet.org/guides/donate