6 May 2022 [culture]

Douglas Tuman to host 'Monero Tail Emission Day Meetup' in NYC on June 8th 2022

Douglas Tuman1 is looking2 to host a Monero Tail Emission Day Meetup3 event in New York City on June 8th, 2022:

Come celebrate the end of Monero’s nominal supply and the beginning of tail emission! [..] An historic event. Consider hosting one in your city too!

The location will be announced soon, according to Douglas:

We will find a location that will allow us all to buy drinks/food with Monero. [..] in Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Queens [..]

To learn more about the Monero tail emission era, consult my previous report4.

  1. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman 

  2. https://nitter.net/DouglasTuman/status/1522549261853933577#m 

  3. https://www.meetup.com/Monero-Enthusiasts-and-Doers-NYC/events/285273767/ 

  4. /monero-tail-emission-era-projected-june-2022-p2pool-countdown/