12 Mar 2022 | Updated 17 Mar 2023 [mining]

CryptoGrampy looking for PocketNode project contributors

CryptoGrampy1 is looking2 for contributors to help build PocketNode3, a simple Monero GUI node for Android:

The goal here is to make a very simple to use, low-power/cheap Monero node that caters to newbies. It will have sane defaults, a nice UI, and I would like to provide simple instructions on how a person could expose the node through Orbot as a hidden service.

If you have experience with Android development and wish to contribute to the project, consult the code repository3 and open some PRs.

Update 22/3/16: alpha release .apk now available4 for testing purposes.

Update 22/9/24: v0.3.0-alpha released5.

Update 23/3/17: v0.4.0-alpha released6.

  1. https://github.com/CryptoGrampy 

  2. https://libredd.it/tcike5/ 

  3. https://github.com/CryptoGrampy/xmr-pocket-node  2

  4. https://github.com/CryptoGrampy/xmr-pocket-node/releases/tag/v0.1.0-alpha 

  5. /cryptogrampy-releases-xmr-pocket-node-v0.3.0-alpha/ 

  6. /cryptogrampy-releases-xmr-pocket-node-v0.4.0-alpha/