26 Jul 2024 [services]

COMIT 'xmr-btc-swap' v0.13.4 released

Version 0.13.41 of COMIT2’s XMR-BTC atomic swap implementation (xmr-btc-swap3) was released:

Changes overview (since 0.13.3)

-ASB: The history command can now be used while the asb is running
-ASB: Retry locking of Monero if it fails on first attempt

Downloads1 and the full list of changes4 are available on Github.

Read the Safety5 section of the README.md file before using this tool and join COMIT’s Matrix channel6 if you need help.

It is worth mentioning that the project maintainers (binarybaron and einliterflasche) have recently submitted a CCS proposal to continue XMR-BTC atomic swaps development and help transform the ecosystem from a prototype into a mature marketplace7.

  1. https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap/releases/tag/0.13.4  2

  2. https://comit.network 

  3. https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap 

  4. https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap/compare/0.13.3…0.13.4 

  5. https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap#safety 

  6. https://matrix.to/#/#comit-monero:matrix.org 

  7. /binarybaron-einliterflasche-ccs-proposal-transform-xmr-btc-atomic-swaps-mature-marketplace/