CM-IV submits CCS proposal to develop 'Oceanus Enterprise Resource Planning' B2B XMR software

CM-IV1 has submitted his first ever CCS proposal2 looking to fund the implementation of Oceanus Enterprise Resource Planning3 XMR software for small businesses:
Oceanus ERP is terminal-based software that a small business or organization owner could use in order to handle daily business activies. [..] The unique feature .. will be its ability to accept and process Monero payments using either the Moneropay API or the AcceptXMR library
Total funding: 80 XMR.
ETA: <2 months.
Milestones overview
- M1: Client Management (12 XMR)
- M2: Project Management (12 XMR)
- M3: Service Management (12 XMR)
- M4: Invoice Management (22 XMR)
- M5: Manage Monero Payments (22 XMR)
Read the Software Requirements Specification3, Software Description4, and System Design5 PDFs to learn more about the Oceanus-ERP tool.
More info about CM-IV’s work is available on home.civdev.xyz6.
To read the full proposal, share your feedback, ask questions and support this CCS, consult !3832.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.
Update 23/3/28: source code pushed to Gitea repository7.
Update 24/4/15: proposal closed by CM-IV (consensus)8.
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