25 Mar 2025 [wallets]

Cake Wallet v4.24.0 pre-release available for testing

Cake Labs1 has released Cake Wallet beta version 4.24.02 for public testing:

Ready to experience @decredproject in Cake Wallet? Participate in our beta, receive cutting-edge updates, and be a part of making Cake Wallet better for everyone!

Changes overview

Decred support
Background synchronization for Monero
UI enhancements
Solana’s new implementation 
XOSwap integration
Remove Haven cryptocurrency support
Bug fixes

It is worth mentioning that Monero.com3 v1.21.0 was also released today. Consult the Github repository2 to verify and download the wallet APKs.

Visit forum.cakewallet.com4 to join the Cake Wallet beta and help test out new releases.

Note that Monero.com (iOS5, Android6, MacOS7) is a Monero-only wallet and Cake Wallet8 (iOS9, Android10, Linux11, MacOS12) is a multi-coin wallet.

  1. https://github.com/cake-tech 

  2. https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/releases/tag/v4.24.0  2

  3. https://monero.com/ 

  4. https://forum.cakewallet.com/t/how-to-join-beta-testing/13 

  5. https://apps.apple.com/app/id1601990386 

  6. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.monero.app 

  7. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/monero-com-by-cake-wallet/id1601990386 

  8. https://cakewallet.com/ 

  9. https://cakewallet.com/ios 

  10. https://cakewallet.com/gp 

  11. https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/releases 

  12. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cake-wallet-for-xmr-monero/id1334702542