1 Dec 2021 [wallets]

Cake Wallet to 'drop everything and prioritize the Monero only app'

Cake Wallet1 has decided to drop everything and prioritize the Monero only app, according to a public statement2 released in less than 24 hours after community backlash3 over the Zcash support announcement:

The recent announcement of adding Zcash to Cake Wallet has brought out very passionate voices against this move and some supporting it.

[the plan for Cake Technologies:] Drop everything and prioritize the Monero only app. BTW, we have ALWAYS wanted to do a Monero only app for the hardcore folks.

For zcash, we will build a new and separate app.

The Monero-only wallet should be ready by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the Monero community is considering forking4 Cake’s codebase.

  1. http://www.cakewallet.com/ 

  2. https://libredd.it/r/Monero/comments/r6imt9/ 

  3. /cake-wallet-to-add-zcash-support-monero-community-disappointed 

  4. https://libreddit.de/r/Monero/comments/r5z2n5/