6 Nov 2023 [culture]

Anonymous open letter calls for structural changes in the Monero ecosystem

Monero Observer has received an anonymous open letter1 that urges the community to consider making some needed changes in the structure of the Monero organization as a whole:

I really hope this letter gets discussed and makes a change in your minds and in your priorities as a community, as well as bringing real change and solving the issues described in it, if you really value and vouch privacy, financial freedom, security and anonymity you just CAN’T ignore this letter at all.

Main points overview

The letter’s final call to action encourages the community to start opening relevant PRs/issues in the -site repository2.

Considering recent events3, which are undoubtedly having a less than desirable effect on the project’s public image, it is rather obvious that now would be a good time for action. Hopefully we are able to make intelligent decisions, otherwise we might unknowingly stray from the cypherpunk4 path.

Note: a cleartext copy of the original unedited letter is also available on Monero Observer5.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.