starts accepting XMR for Prepaid Visa virtual debit cards and various gift cards

AllArk.io1 has started accepting XMR for Prepaid Visa virtual debit cards and various gift cards, according to an announcement2 from tommytwoslopes3:
AllArk now accepts Monero for Prepaid Visa and Giftcards via BTCpayserver :)
There are no fees and no personal info is required for card purchases, other than an email address (for delivery), but only US Visa Cards are currently supported and they come with a max limit of $1000 USD.
An onionsite4 is available for Tor users and besides Monero, the platform also accepts Bitcoin (including LN), Litecoin and Dogecoin via BTCPayServer5.
The shop is currently selling Prepaid Visa debit cards ($10 - $1000) and various gift cards for Steam, Amazon, Apple, Starbucks and others.
According to their Stacker.News profile6 bio, is a small startup that supports and prefers lightning and they don’t seem to have an established reputation in the community. If you plan on using their services, remember to only spend what you can afford to lose.