3 Oct 2022 [wallets]

adrelanos upgrades Whonix Monero wallets package to v0.18.1.2

Whonix1 founder Patrick Schleizer (adrelanos)2 has upgraded3 the Monero GUI and CLI wallets package to the latest version:

Upgraded to just now.4

Both Monero wallets are installed by default in Whonix OS.5

adrelanos is currently maintaining the Monero packages until 2023. For more information, consult the associated CCS proposal6.

  1. https://whonix.org 

  2. https://gitlab.com/adrelanos 

  3. https://gitlab.com/kicksecure/monero-gui/-/commit/20919c661c665c364b57130c907bae33677633c7 

  4. https://forums.whonix.org/t/monero-integration-in-whonix/5949/70 

  5. https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Monero#Installation 

  6. https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/adrelanos-debian-package.html