Justxd22 adds support for P2Pool and P2Pool Mini to 'Moneroo _xd' Telegram bot

Justxd221 has added support for P2Pool and P2Pool Mini to their Moneroo _xd2 Telegram bot:
Added two more pools P2pool and miniP2pool As requested by some of you guys.3
Features (new)
- added Share notifications (once your miners find a share you will be notified)
- added xmrvsbeast.com raffle hashrate bonus (if you sent any p2p/mini address you will be notified Twice if you won the raffle)
- added a bold warning for minexmr users to switch to another pool ASAP
- added a better deploy guide with db init script, for local deploy
- created a deploy template with db configured plug and play for railway
The full list of features, demos/screenshots and deployment instructions are available in the Github repository2.
To suppport the development of this Python Telegram bot, you can donate XMR to the address listed in the repository README4 file.